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Leave The Victory to Him

W/m dennis wheeler© 2001


There is a gospel of the Christian that we must hold as true,          

 It is a teaching of their master 

That they are bound by nails to. 

 It’s not a complicated concept. 

It isn’t hard to understand. 

Simply Love One Another, 

and offer helping hands .


 Leave the Victory to Him   

 Leave the victory to Him    

   Simply Love one another  

   And Leave the Victory to Him..   


We often focus on conversion

and not the message of the cross. 

For if you Love One another, 

then the sacrifice is not lost. 

For God can speak to every nation, 

the only victory to win, 

is to love one another,

 And leave the victory to him.  



        Repeat 1st verse.

Leave The Victory to Him

Leave The Victory to Him - Dennis Wheeler
00:00 / 00:00

Press the arrow on the left above if

music does not start automatically

9-11-2001 was an emotional day for all of us, and it set off an emotional roller coaster we have been on ever since.  Many of the events surrounding that time come to mind. Where you were, what you were doing when you heard, the TV images, the angst, the reactions.

I remember the Sunday following Sept 11, 2001. As they entered the sanctuary to pray, I could see the stress on the faces of my Pakistani Christian friends. The brush we were painting with as a nation was obviously very broad. I walked up and extended a hug. The hug and thank you I received were so warm, unlike any before or since. The tragedy had struck all of us irregardless of race, religion, location. It was an attack on the world, not just America. The victims came from around the world, all walks of life, and crossed cultural and religious lines. The darker skin of the Pauls was the skin that Jesus would have been wearing on that day. I am sure the pressure that He (Jesus) would have felt would have been just as intense.

A month later, as the United States response was taking shape, I found myself performing music at a Christian men's retreat in central Idaho. The talk of the event was still very fresh, and vehement. As the weekend progressed the air was tainted by the anger. As often happens, I chose to express my opinion through the music GOD gave me. You are listening to that song as you read this. The message of JESUS, whom we professed to believe in and follow, was being sacrificed to our own survival of the fittest animal instinct.

I don't believe that our response as a nation would have been reflected in the response of our teacher. Rather than contain the loss of life to those who weren't waylayed for one reason or another, to those from every nation who were in the building or on a plane or fought the fires, the loss has been magnified to the families of troops from all over America and the world that have found themselves engaged in a war that is more politics than protective. It has resulted in more terrorism, not less. If the terrorist intent was to kill as many as possible in one radical attack, we have certainly accommodated their desires quite well over the ensuing years.

Jesus was radical because His response to life's events was so against our instinct. The challenge to follow the charge of Love One Another is as difficult today, and as remote to our leaders, as it was to the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus own world. I can only pray that the outcome to our nation today is not reflective of the outcome that came to the Pharisees within theirs who also chose to ignore the message.

'Leave The Victory To Him' is for those who may still feel that GOD isn't big enough to fight GODS own battles GODS way. I don't believe our future will be secure as long as we feel that we need to beat people into loving. Love One Another is the charge, and Leave the Victory to Him.

Thank you.

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