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Ordinary People Lyrics
w/m Dennis Wheeler © 2002


Ordinary People, just like you and I, He chose ordinary people to be followers of Christ. Ordinary people with ordinary flaws. He took ordinary people with Him to the cross.


Ordinary people living ordinary lives. To be priests among the people were the chosen ones of Christ. From the walks of daily living, they followed as He talked, From the shores of fishing villages to the dark day of the cross.


It is the promise we've been given that it isn't where we're from, it isn't what may be our status or our color or our jobs, we've been called to tell the people of the sacrifice of Christ. Grace for ordinary people is the reason that He died.


Jesus called the ones to follow who would boldly tell the truth. It was a call of faith and courage for what He was about to do. Just like ordinary people, at first they ran away, I am so much like those people it was me He came to save.


There is always hope for sinners, for forgiveness is His call. Called as ordinary people separated from our GOD. One the cross He called out to us, to those standing in the street. HOPE for ordinary people is what Jesus came to teach.


Ordinary People - Dennis Wheeler
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The song that you are listening to is called Ordinary People. A number of summers ago I was asked to perform at an outdoor revival meeting called Break Down the Walls  in Salt Lake City, UT. On one particular afternoon there was a fiery evangelist preaching his Full Gospel Message. In the best tradition of fiery Full Gospel preachers he jumped up and down and shouted and gestured wildly as he moved from one side of the stage to the other, "THANK GOD that Jesus came for us sinners. That Jesus came here, to the other side of the tracks".

He went on to discuss how deeply we are in sin and why we suffer and how great it was that Jesus came for us sinners. I thought immediately of a young lady on a retreat I was on who commented that she didn't feel she could find Jesus because she hadn't been 'hurt' enough in her life to find Jesus.

I sat back and thought to myself, Thank GOD that JESUS came for the little lady who always sat in the back of the sanctuary and made a cake or a meal for every funeral at the little white church I had attended in western Minnesota. That Jesus came for the school teacher who stopped in after class to help clean, or mow the lawn. The neighbor who took a bar to the family next door when there was a loss or a celebration.

I thought, "Thank GOD that Jesus came for the ORDINARY PEOPLE. The ones who live 'normal' lives, who aren't fallen angels or alcoholics, or from broken homes or live broken lives. ORDINARY PEOPLE, like you and I.


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